Board Information

Forest Edge Board Meetings are held at the Country Creek Clubhouse the 3rd Thursday of the Month (Jan-Nov) at 6:00 p.m.

July’s meeting is the annual HOA meeting. Typically no meeting in December. 

The purpose of a board meeting is for the appointed board to discuss and decide association business. The board’s goal is to ensure that time is spent on relevant matters at hand. In order to conduct the meeting, we use Robert’s Rules of Order, and our intent is to be efficient and fair.

Basic Rules for Board Meeting:

1) Generally held on the third Thursday of each month at the Country Creek clubhouse.

2) Agenda is followed.

3) Only board members are entitled to participate in conducting board business.

4) The President is responsible for making sure that each board member has an equal opportunity to speak and that the meeting is run properly.

5) The Vice-President is charged with assisting the President in adhering to time constraints and addressing member misconduct at the meetings.

6) Limited time is provided for members to speak under the following conditions:

· Provided a request is submitted, in advance, any member can speak on an agenda item.

· Before the board votes on a matter, the President may ask for input from members.

· When called upon by the President.

· During the open forum.

7) Principles of courtesy apply. Only one person speaks at a time. No interrupting, ridicule, sarcasm or innuendos.

We welcome the input and participation of all members and appreciate your assistance so that we can conduct an orderly meeting. Please always remember that the board is made up of volunteers. We are all neighbors with the common goal of maintaining and protecting our community.